Cranberries Have Excellent Health Protective Actions!

Natural foods like cranberries have wonderful healing properties! Herbs are food. Natural foods with bioflavonoids and antioxidants have excellent nutritional health reinforcement properties.

Cranberries show remarkable health benefits in studies

“According to researcher Amy Howell of the Rutgers University’s Marucci Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research, the cranberry is one of the top foods proven to have health benefits. Previous research has shown that cranberries are rich in antioxidants, which can protect cells from free radicals — unstable molecules that damage the cells of animals as they age. Now, new research is being funded by the National Institutes of Health in order to discover cranberries’ effects on yeast infections, heart disease and other conditions, while concurrent studies are analyzing the fruit’s effect on cancer, stroke and infections. Research has already shown that cranberry juice binds to bacteria, preventing them from sticking to cell walls and causing urinary tract infections, and regular cranberry juice consumption can reduce the risk of stomach cancer and ulcers in some people by killing the H. pylori bacteria. Your teeth can even benefit from cranberries, as Howell has discovered that a compound in the fruit — known as proanthocyanidine — can prevent plaque from forming on teeth. A mouthwash containing proanthocyanidine is being developed to prevent periodontal disease. Preliminary research has also found that cranberry juice can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and raise levels of HDL (good) cholesterol in the blood; cranberries can slow tumor growth or prevent them altogether; and certain chemical extracts from cranberries prevented the multiplication of breast cancer cells in a test tube, although the effect on a woman is still unknown.”

Prevent Stokes and Heart Disease with Folic Acid

“British scientists are claiming that there is evidence demonstrating that folic acid supplements lower the risk of heart diseases and strokes. ‘Folic acid is a much undervalued vitamin. Not only does it prevent the serious birth defect spina bifida, but the evidence that it can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke is becoming increasingly persuasive,’ stated David Wald from the Wolfson Institute for Preventive Medicine, the lead author of the study. A research published in the latest issue of British Medical Journal suggested that taking folic acid regularly significantly reduces the levels of amino acid homocysteine in the blood, which are directly linked to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. ‘The evidence is very persuasive that lowering homocysteine with folic acid will lower your risk of heart attack and stroke by about 10-20 percent,’ commented David Wald.”

Prevent Strokes with Folic Acid

“The British team showed particular interest in patients with genetic mutations, who have high levels of homocysteine in the blood. Study demonstrated that folic acid effectively helps those with genetic mutations to reduce levels of homocysteine and eventually lower vulnerability to heart diseases. Folic acid is a B vitamin that is responsible for the production of new cells. It is usually recommended to pregnant women.”

Traditional Naturopath Podcast – 18

The Traditional Naturopath Podcast – 18 – (11/18/06)
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Show Notes:
Thanks for listening to the Traditional Naturopath Podcast! Hoffman-La Roche Inc. issued a warning for its “bird flu” drug Tamiflu, stating patients using the drug must be closely monitored in case they develop psychiatric problems such as delirium and suicidal tendencies. Build up the immune system to fight disease! Milk Thistle, Silybum marianum (silymarin) is known to have antioxidant properties and research published this week in Phytotherapy Research shows that this extract can help people significantly lower the amount of sugar bound to hemoglobin in blood, as well as reducing fasting blood sugar levels. Resveratrol is an ingredient in red wine that researchers say doubles the physical endurance of mice in a new study, while protecting them against diabetes and obesity! Turmeric significantly inhibits joint destruction due to arthritis, and inhibits NF-kappaB, a protein that controls the gene expression of substances that produce an inflammatory response. My personal experience with having turmeric “revealed” to me and why I believe it was.

The Herb Turmeric Shows Exciting Promise Against Inflammation!

It all started with inflammation in my left leg. I began looking for a natural herbal treatment to fight it. I was researching several, and, one day at lunch I suggested that my wife and family meet and go to a local Indian restaurant. I had never had Indian food, and for some reason felt drawn to go. I ate lunch and enjoyed it. But, driving back to work, I noticed something exciting! My leg felt wonderful! I started researching what was in Indian food, and guess what? I found out about turmeric!

Turmeric Supplements Show Promise in Treating Arthritis

“More than 40 percent of arthritis sufferers in the U.S. report using complementary and alternative medicine, including dietary supplements, and the use of alternative remedies has increased since the FDA issued health warnings about anti-inflammatory drugs such as Celebrex. However, the effectiveness of many supplement ingredients has not been adequately studied. To complicate the matter, over-the-counter supplements are not regulated in the same way as drugs and their composition can vary widely. A new study published in the November 2006 issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism examined the effect and mechanism of turmeric (a botanical supplement long thought to have anti-inflammatory properties) on arthritis. Lead Janet L. Funk and Barbara N. Timmermann (currently at the University of Kansas), researchers at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ had already shown in an earlier study that turmeric can prevent joint inflammation in rats. In the current study, they expanded their research to compare the chemical composition of an experimental turmeric extract with those of commercially available over the counter turmeric dietary supplements. They also examined the dosage of the experimental version on joint inflammation and destruction, determined its effect on inflammation markers, and ascertained the mechanism by which turmeric protects joints in arthritis. Initial results showed that a version of turmeric extract that was free of essential oils had a significant impact on arthritis and most closely matched the composition of commercially available supplements. This version was used in subsequent experiments and was shown to prevent acute and chronic arthritis, even when it was administered after arthritis had been induced. In addition, turmeric significantly inhibited joint destruction due to arthritis, and inhibited NF-kappaB, a protein that controls the gene expression of substances that produce an inflammatory response. Turmeric also altered the expression of hundreds of genes involved in joint swelling and destruction and prevented an increase in osteoclasts (cells that break down bone) in joints.”

They are promising further research… but, I am now taking the herb and can report myself that it works almost “miraculously” for me! Why was I “led” to go to lunch where I had never been before to discover this beneficial herb? Because of a loving heavenly Father that cares for his kids!

More Info on Resveratrol… Pretty Amazing!

There’s a lot of talk lately about Resveratrol. I reported on it a week or two ago. It seems that this natural compound, found in grape skin is making REAL headlines!

Red Wine Compound Could Boost Endurance

“Athletes and non-athletes alike may want to raise a glass to resveratrol, an ingredient in red wine that researchers say doubled the physical endurance of mice in a new study, while protecting them against diabetes and obesity. Mice given high doses of the compound were able to run twice as far on treadmills than they normally could, French researchers reported. Resveratrol might even help the rodents live longer, they say. ‘The compound resveratrol, found in the skin of red grapes and cranberries, was known to activate SIRT1, an enzyme known to be involved in lifespan extension,’ explained lead researcher Dr. Johan Auwerx, from the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology in Illkirch, France. These results, published in the Nov. 16 issue of Cell, add to findings from a recent study that showed that resveratrol improved health and lengthened survival of mice placed on a high-calorie diet. While studies have so far been limited to mice, the French team said they had also found a genetic link to energy expenditure in humans that looks like it might be similarly affected by resveratrol. ‘Our study shows that activation of SIRT1 by resveratrol is a very promising and well-tolerated approach to treat common metabolic diseases, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes,’ Auwerx said. The study involved obese mice with a condition that mimicked type 2 diabetes. Auwerx’s team found that resveratrol activated the SIRT1 gene, inducing the activity of mitochondria, the tiny energy factories within cells. By activating mitochondria, resveratrol causes the cells to burn more energy than they normally could. Burning more energy protects against fat accumulation and type 2 diabetes, the research team explained. Increasing mitochondria activity also improves the performance of certain tissues, most especially skeletal muscles. ‘That is why we saw a spectacular increase in endurance in the mice, which doubled the distance they run,’ Auwerx explained. ‘We showed this not only in cultured cells and mice, but also, more importantly, the first time in humans, where we linked the SIRT1 gene with energy expenditure,’ Auwerx said. Resveratrol or its analogs could prove useful in treating several diseases that are characterized by abnormal mitochondrial activity, Auwerx said. ‘In the first case, you can think about applications in the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes,’ he said. ‘Many more diseases could benefit from increased mitochondrial activity, most notably neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s,’ he added.”

Herbal Treatment Shows Promise for Type II Diabetes

“Diabetes is a growing health problem. Giving antioxidants is recognized as one way of helping people with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels. The herbal medicine extracted from seeds of the Milk Thistle, Silybum marianum (silymarin) is known to have antioxidant properties and research published this week in Phytotherapy Research shows that this extract can help people significantly lower the amount of sugar bound to hemoglobin in blood, as well as reducing fasting blood sugar levels.”

Sugar-Control In Type II Diabetes May Be Improved With Herbal Medicine Silymarin

Milk Thistle is not the only herbal treatment that can benefit diabetes treatment. Other natural supplements and minerals that beneficially impact blood sugar are: Chromium, Vanadium, Bitter Melon, Gymnema Sylvestre, Cinnamon, Fenugreek, Blueberry, Bilberry, and Ginseng… among others! The important thing is a healthy lifestyle, eating a reasonable diet, and watching your weight!

Tamiflu Can Cause “Abnormal Behavior”

This “Bird Flu” drug now raises suspicions about behavioral effects in children.

Bird flu drug Tamiflu may cause “abnormal behavior,” manufacturer warns

“Hoffman-La Roche Inc. issued a warning Monday for its flu drug Tamiflu, stating patients using the drug must be closely monitored in case they develop psychiatric problems such as delirium and suicidal tendencies. Before the announcement, the pharmaceutical giant had been in talks with the FDA regarding 103 cases under agency review in which Tamiflu users reported strange behavior, usually within a day of the drug’s administration. The majority of abnormal behavior cases have occurred in Japan — where 24.5 million prescriptions for the drug were filled between 2001 and 2005 — in patients younger than 17. Three people — one a 14-year-old boy who had climbed on the roof of his family’s condominium — have fallen to their deaths after taking Tamiflu, says an FDA memo prepared Thursday at a pediatric advisory committee meeting. The memo also reports that an 8-year-old who took a single dose ran out the front door of his home in Japan half an hour later and would not respond to his name, instead just growling. Tamiflu is known to cause fever and delirium, but Dr. Debra Birnkrant, director of the FDA’s division of antiviral products, said it was not yet known if the drug or the flu itself were causing the abnormal behavior.”

Traditional Naturopath Podcast – 17

The Traditional Naturopath Podcast – 17 – (11/13/06)
Click on the “Play” button (the triangle pointing to the right) below to play it as Streaming Audio.

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Show Notes:
A short report on my Practical Herbology 102 class through CNHP this past weekend. Why the podcast was delayed. Equipment problems nixed the recording of interviews I had planned at the course. The problem of Bastyr University and its cohorts trying to “hijack” the “ND” designation and be the only approved school for Naturopathy by influencing local state legislatures to enact ND registration and licensure. It has become illegal in South Carolina to be a Traditional Naturopath without this organization “stamp” of approval. My own experience and background as a graduate of Trinity School of Natural Health and other organizations. Is one school’s Bachelors degree, for instance, any less “real” than another school’s? There are organizations that are working to help you maintain your heath freedoms… check them out! Lack of Vitamin D can be a “marker” for atherosclerosis. Vitamin D may help curb breast cancer progression, suggests a small study published ahead of print in the Journal of Clinical Pathology. Perrigo Co., the nation’s largest maker of store-brand drugs for retailers such as CVS, Safeway and Food Lion, is recalling 11 million bottles of the painkiller acetaminophen after finding small metal particles in 200 caplets. YOU need to check your medicine cabinet and see if you need to throw out your acetaminophen. If they are having a particularly hard time nailing down a diagnosis, sometimes doctors use Google, according to an Australian study. The Google Scholar project. The difference between Allopathic and Naturopathic approaches in terms of “labeling” a disease as opposed to reinforcing the healthy immune system.

Doctors Sometimes Turn to Google for a Diagnosis

If they are having a particularly hard time nailing down a diagnosis, sometimes doctors use Google, accord to an Australian study.

‘Googling’ aids difficult diagnoses

The research was prompted by an incident in which the researchers were treating a 16 year old with an acute subclavian vein thrombosis. As one of them explained that the cause of the thrombosis was uncertain, the patient’s father blurted out: ‘But he has Paget-von Schrötter syndrome.’ He had reached the diagnosis by ‘googling.’ Discussing their results, the researchers acknowledge that the role of diagnostician remains one of the most challenging and fulfilling roles of a physician. ‘Physicians have been estimated to carry two million facts in their heads to fulfill this role. With medical knowledge expanding even this may not be enough. Search engines allow quick access to an ever increasing knowledge base. Google gives users ready access to more than three billion articles on the web and has far exceeded PubMed as the search engine of choice for retrieving medical articles.’ Google Scholar, currently in beta form, is likely to be even more useful as it searches only peer-reviewed articles, they say.”

So, will that include natural health articles? I wonder.

Pieces of Metal Force Recall of Acetaminophen

Contaminated acetaminophen made for third parties like CVS, Safeway, Wal-Mart, etc. are being recalled after small metal filings were found in some lots.

11 Million Bottles of Acetaminophen Recalled

“Perrigo Co., the nation’s largest maker of store-brand drugs for retailers such as CVS, Safeway and Food Lion, is recalling 11 million bottles of the painkiller acetaminophen after finding small metal particles in 200 caplets. Neither the company nor the Food and Drug Administration has received reports of injuries or illness related to the contaminated product. Ingesting contaminated caplets could cause minor stomach discomfort or cuts in the mouth or throat. The likelihood of any adverse health consequence is remote, said Douglas Throckmorton, a top FDA official. With 65 percent market share, publicly traded Perrigo dominates the over-the-counter generic drug industry to the point where, on average, every adult and child in the United States takes a Perrigo-made tablet once every four days, chief executive Joseph C. Papa told analysts during an Oct. 10 conference call. Perrigo pioneered store-brand drugs and makes generic versions of Pepcid AC antacid, Claritin allergy medicine, Sudafed, NyQuil and Centrum vitamins, among other products, that are sold under more than 100 store brands.”

This points back to my comment, “YOU are the person most responsible for YOUR health!” Pay attention to news like this, and check the drugs that you may have on your shelf. Better yet, use natural means to reduce headache pain… or use herbal pain relievers!

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