Will YOU Be Able to Avoid Mutant Milk and Meat?

If you choose not to eat cloned meat, or drink cloned milk… as a personal decision… will you be able to tell the difference? Will the government prevent marking these “Franken-Foods” so that we can avoid them? It looks like it!

Cloned Livestock Poised To Receive FDA Clearance

“Get ready for a food fight over milk and meat from cloned animals and their offspring. After more than six years of wrestling with the question of whether meat and milk from them are safe to eat, the Food and Drug Administration is expected to declare as early as next week that they are. The FDA had asked producers of cloned livestock not to sell food products from such animals pending its ruling on their safety. It isn’t clear whether the FDA will lift this voluntary hold. While many consumer groups still oppose it, the FDA declaration that cloned animal products are safe would be a milestone for a small cadre of biotech companies that want to make a business out of producing copies of prize dairy cows and other farm animals — effectively taking the selective breeding practiced on farms for centuries to the cutting edge.”

I see a long and hard fight ahead to preserve our right to have REAL foods!

Shocking Report: HPV and Cervical Cancer is NOT Linked!

And, more importantly, the FDA has KNOWN this to be true for several YEARS! This is outrageous! Remember when the Texas governor was going to FORCE all high school girls to get this vaccination? It was reported here in the Traditional Naturopath Blog (see this entry – The Truth on New Vaccines? Follow the Money!) This is why we MUST stay vigilant to our health freedoms! Agencies like the FDA are “in bed” with many pharmaceutical companies to insure “Big Pharma’s” profits!

From Newstarget: “For the last several years, HPV vaccines have been marketed to the public and mandated in compulsory injections for young girls in several states based on the idea that they prevent cervical cancer. Now, NewsTarget has obtained documents from the FDA and other sources (see below) which reveal that the FDA has been well aware for several years that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has no direct link to cervical cancer. NewsTarget has also learned that HPV vaccines have been proven to be flatly worthless in clearing the HPV virus from women who have already been exposed to HPV (which includes most sexually active women), calling into question the scientific justification of mandatory ‘vaccinate everyone’ policies. Furthermore, this story reveals evidence that the vaccine currently being administered for HPV — Gardasil — may increase the risk of precancerous cervical lesions by an alarming 44.6 percent in some women. The vaccine, it turns out, may be far more dangerous to the health of women than doing nothing at all. If true, this information reveals details of an enormous public health fraud being perpetrated on the American people, involving FDA officials, Big Pharma promoters, and even the governors of states like Texas. The health and safety of tens of millions of young girls is at stake here, and what this NewsTarget investigative report reveals is that HPV vaccinations may not only be medically useless; they may also be harmful to the health of the young girls receiving them.

This report reveals startling facts about the HPV vaccine that most people will find shocking:

• How it may actually increase the risk of precancerous lesions by 44.6 percent.

• The FDA has, for four years, known that HPV was not the cause of cervical cancer.

• Why mandatory HPV vaccination policies may cause great harm to young girls.

• Why HPV infections are self-limiting and pose no real danger in healthy women

• Little-known FDA documents that reveal astounding facts about Gardasil

• How Big Pharma promoted its Gardasil vaccine using disease mongering and fear mongering”

Traditional Naturopath Podcast #40

The Traditional Naturopath Podcast – 40 – (12/15/07)
Click on the “Play” button (the triangle pointing to the right) below to play it as Streaming Audio.

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Show Notes:
Natural Health views on the news of the week, DHA Fatty Acid helps halt Alzheimer’s progression… Lupeol compound in fruits found to destroy cancer tumors in the head and neck faster than chemotherapy drugs!

A Compound Found in Fruit Destroys Cancer in the Head and Neck!

A compound called “lupeol” has been found to dissolve cancers better than chemotherapy in the head and neck!

Lupeol Compound in Fruits Found to Destroy Cancer Tumors in the Head and Neck Faster Than Chemotherapy Drugs

“A chemical that naturally occurs in certain fruits such as grapes, mangoes and strawberries may be able to suppress the growth and spread of head and neck cancers, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Hong Kong and published in the journal Cancer Research. Researchers induced head and neck cancer in mice and then gave the mice doses of the chemical lupeol, a triterpene compound found in many fruits. The lupeol appeared to block the function of a protein called NFkB, which assists both healthy and malignant cells in the process of growth and repair. In addition, the growth and spread of the cancer appeared to be slowed. ‘From the animal models, not only did [lupeol] suppress the spread, the tumor got smaller. Compared to conventional drugs, lupeol reduced the size of the tumor far faster,’ researcher Terence Lee said. In addition, lupeol did not appear to cause the wasting often associated with chemotherapy. Such thinning is thought to be correlated with lower cancer survival rates. ‘Conventional drugs made the mice a lot thinner, but lupeol mice retained their bulk,’ Lee said. Cancers of the head and neck include nose, oral, salivary gland, throat, thyroid and voice box cancers. Such cancers are more common among those of Asian than European descent. Risk factors in these cancers include smoking, drinking excessive alcohol, chewing betel nut and a diet high in preserved foods such as salted fish. Because the cancers are hard to diagnose in early stages and head or neck surgery is particularly difficult, mortality tends to be high. According to researcher Anthony Yuen, the phytonutrient lupeol may eventually provide a useful treatment for not just head and neck cancers, but also cancers of the liver, prostate or breast — all of which are known to activate the NFkB protein. Lupeol is also present in saw palmetto, olive seed and certain vegetables.”

DHA Fatty Acid Helps Halt Alzheimer’s Progression

An Essential Fatty Acid has been shown to halt the progression of Alzheimer’s! The amazing beneficial properties of EFAs have been shown, once again, to be amazing!

DHA fatty acid helps halt Alzheimer’s progression

“A type of omega-3 fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may help prevent the abnormal clumping of certain proteins that leads to the development of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience. The research was conducted by scientists from the University of California at Irvine and from Martek Biosciences, a corporation that makes commercially available DHA products. Alzheimer’s is a common neurodegenerative disease that occurs when lesions form in the brain due to the clumping of beta-amyloid and tau proteins. Two to 3 percent of people aged 65 exhibit signs of the disease; by age 85, the percentage rises to 25 to 50 percent. The researchers studied mice genetically predisposed to develop Alzheimer’s by feeding them one of four different diets. The mice in one group were fed a diet similar to the typical US diet, low in omega-3 fats and high in omega-6s. A second group was fed a diet rich in omega-3s and supplemented with DHAs, while the other two groups were fed food rich in omega-3s and supplemented with both DHA and omega-6s. After 9 months, the brains of the mice who had been fed the DHA supplement had lower levels of beta-amyloid and tau proteins. The researchers believe that DHA may interfere with the accumulation of these proteins by lowering levels of an enzyme needed to produce them.”

Traditional Naturopath Podcast #39

The Traditional Naturopath Podcast – 39 – (11/24/07)
Click on the “Play” button (the triangle pointing to the right) below to play it as Streaming Audio.

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Show Notes:
Vitamin C and cancer, more info on turmeric, an herbal tonic for the adrenal glands. Dr. Bill was a guest on a NC natural health TV show!

Click the link below to watch Dr. Bill on the “Remedy This… Naturally’ TV show via streaming video!
Remedy This TV Show Link

Vitamin C and Cancer

Many years ago, Dr. Linus Pauling pioneered what he called “Orthomolecular” treatment via large doses (mega-doses) of Vitamin C for cancer with promising results… now, some research shows that this approach may have merit, and why.

A New Understanding of The Effect Of Vitamin C on Cancer Cells

“More than thirty years ago Linus Pauling and coworkers pioneered the therapeutic use of high doses of vitamin C (ascorbate) on terminal cancer patients, with promising results. Attempts by mainstream medicine to confirm Pauling’s results failed, largely because patients were given vitamin C orally, whereas Pauling’s group had gone the intravenous route. Intravenous administration achieves ascorbate concentrations that are orders of magnitude higher. Neglected by mainstream medicine, intravenous vitamin C cancer treatment continued as an alternative medical practice, although the establishment of the U.S. National Cancer Institute Best Case Series prompted a recent report of three well-documented case studies of successful vitamin C cancer therapy(1). There was another reason for the mainstream’s skepticism – the proposed mechanism of action of ascorbate appeared questionable. It was assumed that the antioxidant simply protected DNA from free radical damage, but this should protect the genetic material of healthy and cancerous tissues alike. The idea that ensuring DNA integrity should selectively favor healthy tissue over tumors seemed implausible. Indeed, this interpretation turned out to be wrong. A group at Johns Hopkins Medical School reported recently that antioxidants inhibited three tumorigenic models in vivo, but that ‘[inhibition of a human B lymphoma model was] unassociated with genomic instability but was linked to diminished hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) levels…'(2). What the researchers found was that the differential effect of ascorbate on healthy tissue and cancer cells had nothing to do with the protection of DNA. Instead, ascorbate influenced the HIF-promoted transcription of selected genes. It was the suppression of the transcription of these genes by ascorbate that affected tumors and healthy tissues differently.

What is hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)?

Hypoxia-inducible factor regulates the transcription of genes involved in angiogenesis, glucose uptake and metabolism, as well as other cellular functions. HIF is a protein that occurs in all mammalian cell types and that is activated when oxygen levels fall(3). Normal oxygen levels deactivate HIF by hydroxylating key proline and asparagine residues. These hydroxylation reactions are catalyzed by enzymes containing divalent iron at the active site, and require molecular oxygen. Ascorbate is needed to keep iron in the ferrous (divalent) state for these HIF-deactivating enzymes to function properly. HIF deactivation in turn prevents or slows gene transcription of proteins promoting angiogenesis and glucose metabolism(3) A growing tumor, unlike healthy tissue, needs new blood vessels (angiogenesis) to ensure a continuous supply of nutrients. And it had been known that HIF is often activated in solid tumors(3). Suppression of angiogenesis by deactivating hypoxia-inducible factor therefore selectively disadvantages tumor cells.”

An Herbal Tonic Recipe to Help the Adrenal Gland

Check out this herbal tonic for Adrenal health!

Herbal Tonic for Energy, Shingles, Herpes and More

“The adrenal glands often become ‘depleted’ as a result of the constant demands placed upon them. They are the ‘fight or flight’ glands that can become exhausted by too much stress. An individual with adrenal exhaustion will usually suffer from chronic fatigue, may complain of feeling anxiety-ridden, and will, more often than not, have a reduced resistance to allergies and infection. The adrenal glands secrete several important hormones that help maintain the balance of many body functions. Stress of any kind, fasting, temperature changes, allergies, infections, drugs, and exercise all stimulate the adrenals to release their hormones. When the adrenals release too few or too many hormones, the body responds differently to the everyday stresses of life. The adrenal cortex is involved in the production of such as cortisol, aldosterone, and androgens such as DHEA. My Adrena Tonic was formulated to support mild to moderate adrenal deficiency that can cause havoc on the immune-system and energy levels. This tonic also supports ‘Shingles, Herpes and Epstein Barr’ recovery along with Prostate Cancer Prevention.”

Go to the link above for the full “recipe” for the tonic.

More Good News on Turmeric!

We have talked about the importance of turmeric as an anti-inflammatory, but it has many other benefits as well!

Kitchen Medicine And Potent Anti-Inflammatory: Turmeric

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a semi-tropical rhizhome which has been popular in East Asian curried dishes and other forms of cuisine for many centuries. The plants look like small ginger roots. Most folks will buy Turmeric in powdered form, but if you get the fresh roots, peel away the outer skin and chop finely. Beware! This deeply pigmented kitchen medicine will stain cutting boards and clothing. It is actually the deep yellow-orange pigment, a bioflavonoid, which confers the health-promoting attributes of this marvelous root. Turmeric first came on the US national scene as a medicinal substance a few years ago when the popular prescription anti-inflammatory Vioxx was pulled from the market because of an ominous trend towards causing increased heart attacks… in fact, there have been some Italian studies which compared Vioxx and Turmeric head-to-head for anti-inflammatory power, and Turmeric performed just as well, with no side-effects.”

The article goes on to say that turmeric can be beneficial for the control of blood sugar (along with cinnamon and chromium.) Plus, check this out!

“Oncologists, in particular, have taken an interest in Turmeric because they discovered, about a decade ago, that primary tumors (which can usually be cured, surgically) are much more likely to spread (metastasize) into compromised, or inflamed, tissues. In other words, when a primary tumor exists, it will secrete microscopic cancer cells into the general circulation. If these cancer cells “seed” new tissue, then we have secondary growth of the cancer and the disease is now considered systemic. Treatment becomes much more complicated, and the prognosis for survival worsens. Oncologists are very interested in preventing metastatic disease, and therefore have taken to using anti-inflammatories in their patients, to reduce the chance of micro-metastases becoming established. Healthy tissue is more likely to perform competently. The immune surveillance mechanism (white blood cell identification and destruction of pathogens – be they viruses, bacteria, indigestible food, or cancerous cells) remains viable in healthy tissue, by definition. Some speculate that the reason east India has relatively low cancer rates, despite terrible pollution problems, is that the general population eats a lot of turmeric, regularly.”

So, consider turmeric! A healthy and beneficial natural spice!

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