The Top Ten Essential Oils for Healing
Essentials oils are powerful tools in our arsenal to live well naturally. They permeate the skin readily and get right into the bloodstream. For this reason, you should be well informed about the use of essential oils before using them. However, here is a “short list” of essential oils that have excellent uses with regard to health!
Top 10 Essential Oils for Natural First Aid
“Science has begun validating the time-tested value of essential oils to heal our aches and pains. They are an effective, natural first aid remedy when absorbed through the skin. Below is a list of the top ten essential oils that you can massage on for healing, but make sure to always dilute them in a carrier oil, such as almond or olive. A good formula to use on the average person is two ounces of a carrier oil with 10 to 12 drops of essential oil.
Essential oils for healing:
Cypress– heavy menstruation, sore throat, varicose veins.
German chamomile– bruises, inflammation, pain, sprains, tension.
Eucalyptus– chickenpox, colds, congestion, flu, herpes, inflammation, shingles.
Lavender– acne, bee stings, bruises, headaches, insect bites, rash, sprains, sunburn.
Lemon– detoxification, digestive tonic, lymphatic congestion, sore throat.
Marjoram– insomnia, menstrual cramps, sore muscles.
Rose– digestive and liver tonic, menstrual aid, grief, vascular tonic.
Rosemary– circulation, constipation, fatigue, hangover, headaches, muscle aches.
Spearmint– fatigue, fever, headaches, indigestion, nausea, sinusitis, poison ivy.
Tea Tree– acne, athlete’s foot, burns, cold sores, insect bites, warts.”