High Sugar Intake Linked to Cancer
You know that I am constantly “dinging” pure, white refined sugar as a “Metabolic Poison.” Well, now studies indicate that it can also increase the risk of cancer!
Blood sugar ‘boosts cancer risk’
Women with high blood sugar levels are at an increased risk of developing cancer, a major European study finds.
“Diabetes causes high blood sugar, as does eating too much sugary food. The Swedish research, which looked at 64,500 people, linked raised blood sugar with pancreas, skin, womb, and urinary tract cancers in women. Diabetes experts said more evidence was needed to confirm the link. The study comes as other work links a high fat diet to increased breast cancer risk. In this study, carried out by a team at the University of Umea, high blood sugar was also linked to breast cancer risk – for women under 49. Overall, the research found women in the top 25% range of blood sugar readings after fasting had a 26% higher chance of developing cancer than those in the bottom quarter.”
Prospective Study of Hyperglycemia and Cancer Risk
“The association of hyperglycemia with total cancer risk in women and in women and men combined for several cancer sites, independently of obesity, provides further evidence for an association between abnormal glucose metabolism and cancer.”